(日本語) 【予約OK!】「MASUYAMA」静岡県御殿場市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ
(日本語) 富士山を望む贅沢な1棟貸切隠れ家!御殿場ICから車で5分!
Today's price 5,000yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.Extra cleaning fee of 6,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.Extra cleaning fee of 6,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.