Notation based on Specified Commercial Transaction Law

Business operator Smart Stay Co., Ltd.
site name Smart stay-Izu Peninsula holiday home, private lodging, migration experience, camp Training reservation site
Representative Representative Director Seiya Adachi
Location 3-3-8 Yukawa, Ito-shi, Shizuoka 414-0002, Japan
Product price The price varies depending on each property. The price is dynamically calculated based on the number of guests, cleaning fees, etc., using dynamic pricing that changes according to the season. (For details, please see the reservation calendar for each property.)
*Price includes service charge and consumption tax.
Payment method In principle, credit card payment only.
*You have a credit card Only for customers who are not We accept advance bank transfer and cash payment locally.
Advance payment with credit card Check in with the credit card you registered when completing online reservation 14 The full amount of your stay will be charged automatically one day in advance. If the reservation date is within 14 days of check-in, the full amount of the accommodation fee will be automatically settled as soon as the reservation is confirmed.
Available credit card brands VISA、Master、American Express、JCB
check in Listed on each property page
checked out Listed on each property page
Delivery time (booking completion time) When you make a reservation using this site, The reservation will be completed when the information on the completion of the reservation is displayed on the customer screen.
In the case of pre-payment by credit card, the reservation will be completed when the credit card payment is completed.
Return Due to the characteristics of the products and services, we will not return the products after staying. I can not do it.
Cancellation fee Cancellation 5 days before to 100% of the room charge , 100% of the room charge for non-night stay without notice
* Conditions may change due to changes in social conditions.
Contact us Smart Stay Co., Ltd.
TEL 0557-48-7837

Popular Options

【 Pets allowed 】Manner belt required
【 Walking distance to station 】Within 20 minutes from station
【 Old folk house 】Japanese house over 50 years old
【 For Groupe or Training Camp 】16 people or more