Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「シークレットガーデン伊豆」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 5つ星スイートルームのような伊豆のラグジュアリーヴィラ
  Today's price 12,000yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 5 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 6th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

【予約OK!】「New伊東の隠れ家 りとりいと」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

  Today's price 10,000yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Izu City

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「もみじ山荘」静岡県伊豆市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) アルカリ性の美肌温泉と深緑の借景を楽しむ伊豆の1棟貸切湯治宿
  Today's price 8,300yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 6 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 7th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Atami

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「熱海の明るい家Saluton」静岡県熱海市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

  Today's price 6,867yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 6 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 7th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「COVE KAWANA」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) New”2坪の海岸線”「COVE KAWANA」シャビーシックな伊豆のオーシャンフロントヴィラ
  Today's price 12,500yen/Per night Per 1person
*Maximum occupancy is 4 people. The price is the same regardless of the number of people, but please select the correct number of people. Children aged 3 and over are counted as 1 person. Separate cleaning fees and equipment fees will be added if using BBQ. The amount displayed on the screen just before the reservation is confirmed will be the amount you pay.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「MAHANA ITO」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 駅徒歩4分ビーチ1分!伊豆の海を感じるヴィラ MAHANA ITO
  Today's price 4,500yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 10 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 11th person.A separate cleaning fee of 10,000 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Kannami Town, Tagata District

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「フォレストハウス伊豆箱根」田方郡函南町のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

  Today's price 5,575yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Numazu

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「GRAN TERRACE SUN」静岡県沼津市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) NEW!海上に浮かぶような非日常を味わえるお洒落な新築ヴィラ
  Today's price 10,875yen/Per night Per 1person
*The price is the same for 1 to 8 people, so please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children aged 3 and above are counted as one person. An additional person fee will be charged from the 9th person. A separate cleaning fee of 7,000 yen will be added, and a facility fee will be added if you use the BBQ. The amount displayed on the screen just before the reservation is confirmed will be the payment amount.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「ファミーユ伊豆の瞳」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 湖畔の竹林に囲まれたBBQパティオのある1棟貸切天然温泉貸切宿!カラオケ有り!
  Today's price 4,130yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 10 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 11th person.A separate cleaning fee of 8,800 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee of 5,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「海悠」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 海と駅の近くのBBQを楽しめるゲストハウス海悠!ドン・キホーテまで徒歩7分
  Today's price 4,660yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 10 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 11th person.A separate cleaning fee of 8,000 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.

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【 Pets allowed 】Manner belt required
【 Walking distance to station 】Within 20 minutes from station
【 Old folk house 】Japanese house over 50 years old
【 For Groupe or Training Camp 】16 people or more