Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「Sunlit Villa Izu」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) Sunlit Villa Izu -星降る陽だまり森の宿- 湖近くの別荘地にあるデザイナーズヴィラ
  Today's price 8,929yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.Extra cleaning fee of 8,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「スマートステイ伊東201」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 巨匠 藤原益男氏監修!伊豆の海の近くのリゾートコンドミニアム201
  Today's price 7,450yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person. Extra cleaning fee of 4,500 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「オザッキー大室高原9丁目」 静岡県伊東市・伊豆高原のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 伊豆大島望むデザイナーズ温泉貸切宿
  Today's price 13,325yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.A separate cleaning fee of 8,000 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee of 3,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「ファミーユ大室Ⅱ」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 1棟貸切!伊豆のOcean Viewラグジュアリーデザイナーズヴィラ BBQ設備
  Today's price 9,025yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「オザッキー大室高原4丁目」 静岡県伊東市・伊豆高原のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 伊豆高原の温泉付デザイナーズオーシャンビュー貸別荘
  Today's price 10,775yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.A separate cleaning fee of 8,000 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee of 3,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「スマートステイ大室山3合目」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 絶景!伊豆の大室山眼前のデザイナーズ英国風ロッジ■海や富士山も望む!大室山・シャボテン動物園徒歩1分
  Today's price 11,575yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.A separate cleaning fee of 6,500 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee of 3,000 yen will be added.The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「スマートステイ伊東301」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 巨匠 藤原益男氏監修■伊豆の海の近くのデザイナーズリゾートコンドミニアム301
  Today's price 8,000yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person. Extra cleaning fee of 4,500 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「スマートステイ伊東302」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 巨匠 藤原益男氏監修■伊豆の海の近くのデザイナーズリゾートコンドミニアム302
  Today's price 7,800yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person. Extra cleaning fee of 4,500 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Ito

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「ファミーユ大室」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

(日本語) 最大13名!伊豆のアフリカンラグジュアリースタイル貸別荘
  Today's price 6,980yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 10 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 11th person.A separate cleaning fee of 8,800 yen will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee of 5,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
Shizuoka Atami

(日本語) 【予約OK!】「Andiamo a Atami」静岡県熱海市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ

※Reservations can only be made on Saturdays and public holidays.
(日本語) ■熱海のデザイナーズ貸切別荘
  The lowest price is 12,500yen…/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 4 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 5th person.Extra cleaning fee of 8,000 yen will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.

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【 Pets allowed 】Manner belt required
【 Walking distance to station 】Within 20 minutes from station
【 Old folk house 】Japanese house over 50 years old
【 For Groupe or Training Camp 】16 people or more