(日本語) 【予約OK!】「シークレットガーデン伊豆」静岡県伊東市のおすすめ民泊・貸別荘・コテージ
(日本語) 5つ星スイートルームのような伊豆のラグジュアリーヴィラ
Today's price 10,000yen/Per night Per 1person
※The same rate for up to 5 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 6th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.
※The same rate for up to 5 people.Please select the correct number of people even within the same price. Children must be counted as one from 3 years old and over. Additional people will be charged from the 6th person.A separate cleaning fee will be added, and if you use BBQ, a facility fee will be added. The payment amount will be the amount displayed on the screen immediately before the reservation is confirmed.